Some statistics (relevant or not!)

Number of Papers

Number of papers in rank A journals and conferences

Number of papers per venues

TOSEM (15), EMSE (13), ISSTA (8), MSR (7), ICSE (7), ASE (6), TSE (6), MODELS (6), SANER (5), IST (5), SPLC (5), FSE (4), JSS (4), ICSME (4), SAC (4), ICSR (3), (3), TAOSD (3), AOSD (3), TechReport (3), CSUR (2), COLING (2), NLDB (2), FSE2030 (2), ASE Journal (2), SPE (2), KONVENS (2), Trans. on Reliability (2), JCST (2), TIFS (2), ICST (2), ISSRE (2), TrustCom (2), BookChapter (2), SEKE (2), QRS (2), SmartGridComm (2), ECMFA (2), NIER@ICSE (2), AFRICOMM (2), MDSD@Ecoop (2), LM4UC (1), LoResLM (1), CCF ChinaSoft (1), EMNLP (1), TDSC (1), ESEM (1), IEEE Access (1), ICLR (1), MOOMIN (1), CS4D (1), ACL (1), ICSE SEIP (1), S&P Magazine (1), NoDaLiDa (1), MobileSoft NIER (1), ICNLP (1), AAAI (1), EMNLP-Findings (1), SCAM (1), TOPS (1), LREC (1), ICAART (1), ICMLA (1), CD-MAKE (1), ASSS (1), MLHat (1), FinWeb (1), OpML (1), KDD (1), WWW (1), ICECCS (1), EDBT (1), MobileSoft (1), ICSE Tool (1), IJSEKE (1), IDA (1), ICIT (1), MLDM (1), DIMVA (1), POPL (1), IFIPSec (1), ESSOS (1), GECCO (1), Modelsward (1), VISSOFT (1), CODASPY (1), PLDI (1), COMPSAC (1), AMOST@ICST (1), ICMT (1), APSEC (1), Usenix Security (1), Tool@SPLC (1), SQJ (1), DSAL@AOSD (1), SOAP (1), ERCIM (1), Vary@Models (1), MUTATION (1), VAMOS (1), EA@ICSE (1), ICCBSS (1), AOM@Models (1), IDM (1), LMO (1), PhD thesis (1), EA@SPLC (1), FMICS (1), MDAFA (1),


Number of Co-Authors: 242
On average, 5.43 authors per paper
Tegawendé F. Bissyandé (159), Yves Le Traon (92), Li Li (59), Kevin Allix (32), Kui Liu (21), Alexandre Bartel (19), Dongsun Kim (16), Jordan Samhi (15), Cedric Lothritz (13), Mike Papadakis (13), Haoye Tian (12), Kisub Kim (12), Anil Koyuncu (12), Jabier Martinez (12), Tewfik Ziadi (12), Daoyuan Li (12), Jean-Marc Jézéquel (12), Jun Gao (11), Thomas Hartmann (10), François Fouquet (10), Gilles Perrouin (10), Haoyu Wang (9), David Lo (9), Abdoul Kader Kaboré (9), Yinghua Li (9), Daniel Tang (9), Pingfan Kong (9), Nadia Daoudi (9), Damien Octeau (9), Tiezhu Sun (8), Anne Goujon (8), Lisa Veiber (8), Martin Monperrus (8), Jörg Kienzle (8), Andrew Habib (7), Weiguo Pian (7), Andrey Boytsov (7), Clément Lefebvre (7), Phu H. Nguyen (7), Gregory Nain (7), Brice Morin (7), Benoit Baudry (7), Yewei Song (6), Xueqi Dang (6), Saad Ezzini (6), Steven Arzt (6), Zhe Liu (6), Assaad Moawad (6), Olivier Barais (6), Xiaoyu Sun (5), Haipeng Cai (5), John Grundy (5), Yanjie Zhao (5), Lei Ma (5), Xin Xia (5), Bertrand Lebichot (5), Yusuf Arslan (5), Patrick McDaniel (5), Max E. Kramer (5), Christopher Henard (5), Franck Fleurey (5), Siwen Guo (4), Xiao Chen (4), Siegfried Rasthofer (4), Tejeddine Mouelhi (4), Eric Bodden (4), Andrew Jackson (4), Fred Philippy (3), Yonghui Liu (3), Marco Alecci (3), Isabella Olariu (3), Timothée Riom (3), Quentin Jérome (3), Radu State (3), Siobhan Clarke (3), Xiapu Luo (2), Laura Plein (2), Xin Zhou (2), Pedro Jesús Ruiz Jiménez (2), Wei Ma (2), Tao Lin (2), Yaowen Zheng (2), Jingquan Ge (2), Jun Wang (2), Yang Liu (2), Daihang Chen (2), Mingyi Zhou (2), Shuai Wang (2), Shohreh Haddadan (2), Teng Zhou (2), Chunpeng Ge (2), Maria Kober (2), Jingtang Zhang (2), Sankalp Ghatpande (2), Shangwen Wang (2), Maxime Cordy (2), Arthur D. Sawadogo (2), Naouel Moha (2), Xiaoguang Mao (2), Tianming Liu (2), Feng Dong (2), Yao Guo (2), Jean-Sébastien Sottet (2), Alfonso Garcıa Frey (2), Médéric Hurier (2), Lorenzo Cavallaro (2), Gunter Mussbacher (2), Somesh Jha (2), Yves Reckinger (2), Christian Fritz (2), Jim R. H. Steel (2), Sagar Sen (2), Paul Istoan (2), Wisam Al Abed (2), Loic Hélouët (2), Noel Plouzeau (2), Xiang Gao (1), Hailong Sun (1), Chunming Hu (1), Ting Su (1), Tao Xie (1), Haibo Chen (1), Huaimin Wang (1), Wendkuuni Arzouma Marc Christian Ouedraogo (1), Kader Kaboré (1), Micheline Bénédicte Moumoula (1), Maimouna Ouattara (1), Julia Lawall (1), Jaekwon Lee (1), Zhihao Lin (1), Yue Liu (1), Chunyang Chen (1), Zhijie Wang (1), Bei Li (1), Boyang Yang (1), Haoran Yu (1), Haitao Wang (1), Shunfu Jin (1), René Just (1), Michael D. Ernst (1), Jounghoon Kim (1), Byeongjo Park (1), Chun Yong Chong (1), Yuan Wang (1), Thomas Sutter (1), Timo Kehrer (1), Marc Rennhard (1), Bernhard Tellenbach (1), Zhenghan Chen (1), Lin Zhihao (1), Alioune Diallo (1), Aicha War (1), Moustapha Diouf (1), Ulrick Ble (1), Qianguo Chen (1), Padmanabhan Krishnan (1), Cristina Cifuentes (1), Earl T. Barr (1), Hanyu Peng (1), Juncai Guo (1), Jin Liu (1), Xiao Liu (1), Yao Wan (1), Christoph Purschke (1), Boladji Vinny Adjibi (1), Fatou N'Diaye Mbodji (1), Atefeh Nirumand (1), Bahman Zamani (1), Behrouz Tork Ladani (1), Pierre Graux (1), Henri Hoyez (1), Ahmed Khanfir (1), Junhao Wen (1), Dapeng Yan (1), Yuqing Niu (1), Zhiming Liu (1), Patrick Keller (1), Deheng Yang (1), Yan Lei (1), Peng Wu (1), Salah Ghamizi (1), Renaud Rwemalika (1), Liu Wang (1), Mohamed A. Oumaziz (1), Jean-Rémy Falleri (1), Xavier Blanc (1), Guoai Xu (1), Paul Temple (1), Mathieu Acher (1), Eunjong Choi (1), Jessica Lin (1), Raphael Sirres (1), Xinli Yang (1), Guillermo Suarez-Tangil (1), Santanu Kumar Dash (1), Jean Van- derdonckt (1), Sylvain Kubler (1), Omar Alam (1), Matthias Schöttle (1), Nicolas Belloir (1), Philippe Collet (1), Benoit Combemale (1), Julien Deantoni (1), Bernhard Rumpe (1), Matthew Dering (1), Matthieu Jimenez (1), Koen Yskout (1), Thomas Heyman (1), Riccardo Scandariato (1), Gabriele Rossi (1), Johann Bourcier (1), Raul Mazo (1), Alexander Pelov (1), Laurent Toutain (1), Tanguy Ropitault (1), Patrick Heymans (1), Levi Lucio (1), Qin Zhang (1), Moussa Amrani (1), Hans Vangheluwe (1), Lingxiao Jiang (1), Laurent Reveillere (1), Daouda Ahmat (1), Jonathan Ouoba (1), Gertjan van Stam (1), Miguel A. Olivares-Méndez (1), Kannan Somasundar (1), Holger Voos (1), Sebastian Oster (1), Franck Chauvel (1), Tom Mens (1), Freddy Munoz (1), Mauricio Alferez (1), Nuno Amalio (1), Selim Ciraci (1), Sebastien Mosser (1), Ella Roubtsova (1), Gefei Zhang (1), Nicolas Biri (1), Nicolas Guelfi (1), Benoit Caillaud (1),

Number of Papers per Year

Citations and H-index evolution

Some citations and h-index snapshots

October 2024
All Since 2019
Citations 15683 9704
h-index 59 46
i10-index 157 125

October 2023
All Since 2018
Citations 13717 9102
h-index 54 46
i10-index 146 115

September 2022
All Since 2017
Citations 11613 8266
h-index 52 44
i10-index 124 106

December 2021
All Since 2016
Citations 10121 7939
h-index 48 41
i10-index 115 105

January 2021
All Since 2016
Citations 8353 6356
h-index 42 36
i10-index 101 91

May 2020
All Since 2015
Citations 7312 6012
h-index 38 33
i10-index 94 87

May 2019
All Since 2014
Citations 5811 5009
h-index 34 32
i10-index 80 74

February 2018
All Since 2013
Citations 4075 3489
h-index 30 28
i10-index 63 58

January 2017
All Since 2012
Citations 2654 2232
h-index 23 23
i10-index 42 36

June 2016
All Since 2011
Citations 2189 1875
h-index 22 21
i10-index 35 33

March 2015
All Since 2010
Citations 1229 1033
h-index 18 17
i10-index 25 22

May 2014
All Since 2009
Citations 829 706
h-index 15 14
i10-index 18 16

August 2013
All Since 2008
Citations 627 558
h-index 12 11
i10-index 12 11

July 2012
All Since 2007
Citations 427 397
h-index 10 9
i10-index 10 9

November 2011
All Since 2006
Citations 329 326
h-index 9 9
i10-index 9 9